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Training Courses, Workshops, and Publications

The Reflective Practice Institute directors and associates are engaged in facilitating reflective practice groups (RPGs), presenting educational programs featuring reflective practice, and writing for websites, journals and blogs.  We are always and developing new groups and programs.  Here you can find information about our groups, upcoming events, and publications.


PACE Videocast ft. Michael Lang & Susanne Terry 

Event by People & Culture Association (PCA)

Thu, Aug 24, 2023, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM, Eastern time


Reflective Practice Groups

The Institute leads groups under the auspices of conflict resolution organizations in four countries:

• Section of Dispute Resolution (ABA)

• Association for Conflict Resolution

• Sharing and Learning-MII (Ireland)

• Nebraska Mediation Association

• Association of Northern Mediators (England)

• New York Community Dispute Resolution Centers

• Academy of Professional Family Mediators


Webinars and Conference Presentations

The following are currently planned webinars, conference workshops, and other presentations.

September  -  NY-ACR

September  -  Juris Mediation

October - ACR annual conference

October - Massachusetts Council of Collaborative Attorneys

October  -  Warsaw, Poland Bar Association

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Publications and Other Events

Institute directors and associates are actively writing for various publications.  Current writing projects include:

• Revised, 2nd Edition of The Guide to Reflective Practice in Conflict Resolution



New Training Courses



The Reflective Practice Institute is offering two new year-long training program for mediators, coaches, lawyers, and collaborative practitioners interested in becoming adept at organizing, leading, and facilitating Reflective Practice Groups (RPGs).


These certificates are an indication of commitment to advancing leadership skills, improving and strengthening practice, and contributing to the profession. 




This program grounds practitioners in the theory and practice of intensive collaborative group work that supports the ongoing deepening understanding of why we make the choices that we do in our practice


The focus of this professional development training course will include:

•  understanding the principles and methods of Reflective Practice

• creating and facilitating a receptive and supportive learning group

•  managing the process of Reflective Debrief (used for individuals and within a group setting)


Course activities will include:

•  an introductory webinar on the foundational principles of Reflective Practice and the methods for Reflective Debrief

•  monthly RPGs, led initially by Susanne and Michael.  Participants will be assigned roles for each meeting, either to prepare a puzzling practice situation for discussion or to take leadership of the Reflective Debrief.

•  assigned readings and occasional writing assignments.

  • creating & maintaining a participant's learning journal.

•  two participant meetings with a program leader to review learning goals and to receive feedback on progress.

•  mid-course webinar to deepen participants’ knowledge of Reflective Practice and the skills necessary to manage an RPG. 


The course will be limited to fifteen participants and will begin in January, 2024.






As a pre-requisite for enrollment in the Advanced Certificate Program, participants must have completed the Core Certificate in RPG Leadership, or demonstrate to the program leaders that they have equivalent foundational knowledge and skills.


The focus of the Advanced Certificate Program will be to further support participants in their experience of leading Reflective Practice Groups. The expectation is that each participant is engaged in facilitating ongoing RPGs. Throughout the program, participants will identify and bring to group discussions, leadership challenges they are facing in applying Reflective Practice principles and methods.


Course activities will include:

•three meetings of the training group to explore and discuss topics in reflective practice theory and methods.

•  quarterly group meetings, led by Susanne and Michael, during which participants will identify and discuss a puzzling group leadership situation. 

• assigned readings and several writing assignments.

  •  maintaining a learning journal.

•  three individual meetings between a group leader and each participant to review individual learning goals and to receive feedback on progress.


The course will be limited to ten participants and will begin in November, 2023.

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